HEARTMIND: Selections

from the Bob Eng Lee and Asian American Arts Centre Collections

This grouping features artworks reflective of conversations between the curators and Lee about Asian American art history. Topics explored included ideas of home, intergenerational dialogue, conceptual artmaking, and unique forms of making.

Reflections of Home: Artwork that Explores Ideas of Place

This grouping of works explores ideas of home, cultural identity, and displacement – a topic prominent in discussion between the curators and Lee.

Ming Fay

Clay Head (1 of 3), late 1970s Sculpture (clay)

Intergenerational Histories: Artworks of Shared Significance to Lee and the Curators

The next selection of works each held personal significance to Lee. Though all of the works in the collection are of great importance to Lee, this grouping highlights works that were uniquely acquired, gifted to Lee, or shown in important exhibitions. The unearthed narratives behind each work’s acquisition instill the importance of intergenerational dialogue in furthering our knowledge of Asian American art history.

Joseph Gotto

Title and date unknown


Ideas of Asian American Art: Conceptual Artworks in the AAAC Collections

Many of the artworks in the AAAC collection were made during the late twentieth century – a time when conceptual art dominated contemporary art discussions and an area of interest to the three curators. The following works emphasize the idea over the artwork to create experiential works related to their experiences as Asian American artists in New York.

Kwok Mang Ho

Frogs A, 1983


Material Explorations: Artworks featuring Innovative Ideas of Making

Many of the works in Lee’s collection extend material categorization. The following works were selected because of their notable aesthetic qualities.

Akiko Kotani

Silk Drawing, date unknown

Silk on canvas