HEARTMIND: Portraits

from the Bob Eng Lee and Asian American Arts Centre Collections

Adopting a broad definition of portraiture, this grouping of works explores personal images that capture the history of Asian American art. Each artwork is to be viewed through related themes, including organizational histories, issues of identity, topics of translation , international exchanges, and life in Chinatown.

Origins: Personifying the AAAC’s Collection History

This group of works personifies the origins of the Asian American Arts Centre (AAAC) collection and aspects of Asian American art history.

Carrie Yamaoka

Untitled, date unknown


Picturing Identity in Asian American Art

How do we define Asian American identity? The following works explore the complexities and construction of identity.

Leah Melnick

Cambodian Teenagers and Friend, 1987


Global Exchanges: International Influences in Asian American Art

This grouping of works considers international influence within Asian American art history - and the impact this art has on the rest of the world.

Danny Yung

Tian Tian Xiang Shang, 2013


Reflections of Chinatown in the AAAC Collection

This trio of works come together to depict different aspects of the neighborhood: place, the relation of Chinatown with outsiders, and the residents themselves.

Toshio Sasaki

Sun Gate, 1988


Heart/Mind: Spiritual Conceptions of Art

The works here are some of the closest to Bob Lee’s heart — which is fitting, as two of the works depict hearts.

Toshio Kuga

Golden Flower - Dedicated to Tibet, 1996
